Enid Lee Featured in "100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women"


On June 16, 2016 Enid Lee was celebrated as one of 100 black women who made significant contributions to Canadian Society. She was nominated and selected to be included in the 2016 edition of 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women.

An excerpt from her profile:

"Her advice for the next generation: Never get used to injustice. It is an unnatural condition. Even if you cannot remove the injustice today, continue to call it by its correct name. You are strong as a Black person when the Black communities are strong. Every day ask yourself, “What is one small act that I can engage in to make my community strong?” Once you have answered the question, make sure you work on it. A strong Black person is one who works in solidarity with other Black people and is lovingly critical of actions that diminish our strength as a people. Let us connect, create, correct, and celebrate!"


The Truth about Race and Policing


65 Books